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      07-02-2020, 07:12 PM  
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Drives: G20 330i xDrive MSport Edition
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Fuse Assignments - VIOFO A119 V3

Originally Posted by Joedeejay View Post
Just thought I'd reply with this. Found this great website showing what every fuse does and whether it goes through ignition relay or not. Will come in use to someone no doubt. Attached pic of fuses I looked at and whether always on or ignition switched. This is for the driver footwell fuse box (RHD UK Car) 320d xDrive
Thanks to Joedeejay for the picture and link. Using this information along with countless hours of research and youtube videos, I believe I found the solution that works for my LHD Canada 330i xDrive.

I purchased fuse taps from Amazon

My Fuse Assignments are:

*For BATT - Fuse 38 (Empty) - Assigned to NFC Charging
->Slotted a 5A & 3A fuse to the fuse tap.

*For ACC - Fuse 71 - (Occupied) - Assigned to Ambient Lighting
->Slotted the existing 5A fuse and added the 3A fuse to the fuse tap

*For GROUND - Drilled a small hole the size of a #12 bolt into the metal bracket which holds the Airbag (See image). There is a screw and nut which holds one side of the airbag to the bracket, but I discovered you can't take the screw off or get enough space in between to slip the ground wire in. No other metal screws in the vicinity so drilling was my only option.

*Set the limiter to 12.2v

My reasons for going this route. If you can understand fuse taps and which side is the LOAD and DRAW sides then you will have a better understanding of the direction the fuse taps need to be plugged in and which direction the fuses themselves need to be plugged in to prevent blowing the fuses. Since the fuse box presents some slotting challenges, I worked with what was available.

Fuse 38 was empty and only assigned to one item in the car (NFC Charging).
Fuse 71, although occupied, was only assigned to one item in the car (ambient lighting). It also provided enough distance from the other fuse tap to fit nicely.
This information was verified using the fuse diagram and the link above.

(Side note: I chose not to mess with F59 as this was also assigned to Driver Assistance.)

I tested the dashcam overnight (12 hours) as I left it to do its thing in the car. Checked the footage in the morning and looked good. Then went to go start my car and that was also smooth.

I've adjusted my parking mode settings and will monitor the results in the coming days.

My YouTube Video Explanation of the Ground Wire:
Note-It's not upside down, this is what the view looks like if you are to lay on the floor and look up

Here is the image of my setup:

Hope this helps!

I'll post a video showing the final outcome in the next day or so.
*Update: Video Added*

Thanks for everyone's input prior to installation. Very helpful and appreciative.
First Time BMW Owner. Long Time Euro Car Driver.

Last edited by my3ung; 07-02-2020 at 07:19 PM..
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