PPF for interior trim? Pluses and Minuses
Hey guys,
So I知 pretty much in a dilemma if I should get my new X5 (which I expect in the end of the year) with PPF for the interior piano black trim. I know this is the most difficult trim to be protected but it痴 the only one I liked from the avalable in our local configuration.
My biggest concern is that I知 kinda scared if interior gets somehow damaged in the detailing process (not sure if each part has to be removed). And I guess I知 confused to put somekind of plastic layer on this beautiful piano finish - it痴 just like sex with condom - not as good as without, but protected (I知 a dermatovenereologist btw).
I知 kinda okay with fingers and fine lines on it.
For now I知 stuck on the idea to start without, see how bad it can be and if it gets easy damaged I will go for new polish and then the ppf stuff.
Looking forward to hear some opinions of people who have this trim or tried ppf in the interior - do u regret and why? Is it noticeable that there is ppf installed? Pictures will be helpful too.