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      05-12-2009, 12:01 PM   #81
brandon @ eas
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Drives: F30 335i
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Anaheim, CA

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Originally Posted by TWiTCHY View Post
Oh mah gah!

How long did that take you?

it took about an hour and a half I think. After I finished it, I spent several hours tweaking little things that no one would ever notice, like removing reflections, getting rid of noise etc.

Basically I just took the line tool, and outlined the entire car, so it would be easier to delete the entire background. Then I drew in the shadow under the car. After that I duplicated the car, and did a heavy noise reduction. This caused all details to go away, but since it was a duplicate layer I was able to delete important parts that I wanted to be sharp and crisp, but it left the paint looking smooth. Then I flattened that, then duplicated again, then flipped the duplicate vertical, Gaussian blurred it, and feather erased the bottom half of it to create the reflection on the floor. Then I drew in some grey on the floor so it wasn't so white. After that I used the clone stamp, cut and paste, and paint brushes to get rid of the shadows under the mirror and some other reflections I didnt like. I also painted the windows. Oh ya and did the shadow/highlight effect in conjunction with multipy/overlay.
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