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      03-15-2016, 08:27 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by csu87 View Post
just went through and went for new maxes last week. Been a little over 1.5yrs since shoulder surgery (labrum repair) and I still dont feel comfortable with a lot of the clean/snatch movements to put any kind of real weight on them. Im almost back to my before surgery Bench and Squats, but Deadlifts still lacking about 50-60lbs.

Deadlift: 465 lb
Back Squat: 405 lb (with knee supports, about 285 without them and a lot of crying)
Front Squat: 295 lb
Bench: 315 lb
Squat Clean: -
Power Clean: 225 lb
Clean and Jerk: -
Power Snatch: -
Snatch: -

Body Weight ~190s depending on how much i drink the night before.
500 lb deadlift very respectable for a man <200 lbs, good work. The squat number without wraps seems very low, I'd bet a lot of that is mental. Ever try Rehbands? Doesn't compress as much as wraps, but still might give you that mental edge to push through. They're expensive, but worth every penny.
Road course laptimes for BMW M4 2015 6MT
WHP East Track: 1:04.880, Arizona Motorsports Park: 1:54.352
Road course laptimes for Porsche 911 991.1 GTS 7MT
WHP East Track: 1:02.770, Arizona Motorsports Park: 1:48.889
Appreciate 0