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      07-08-2024, 03:14 AM   #199
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Originally Posted by CarGuy954 View Post
So I was reading through this entire thread and realized Mission Performance made the claim back in august of 23 that the DME unlocker has the 21+ loaded. They would just have to release an update to enable the function. That is now 11 months ago and it seemed there were people who purchased it awaiting the update so they can unlock their 21+ but, it never came. Just want to confirm I am reading this thread correct.
great i'm actually not crazy, i thought that too!
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      07-08-2024, 07:40 AM   #200
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That is the worst thing I have ever seen a company do in that industry as a marketing ploy. I believe this falls into a consumer law.
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      08-01-2024, 07:13 AM   #201
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So I reached out to MP to see what the status was on the post 6/2020 unlocks and I believe more than ever this will never happen. I am not sure why they made the claim and marketed their unlocker as capable. This is bad buisness at its finest, very dissapointing.
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      08-01-2024, 09:27 AM   #202

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From my understanding mission never said the current software would support a 21+ unlock rather they said the hardware would. Kinda like SpaceX saying this is the rocket that will take people to mars but they haven’t gone to Mars yet. It’s odd to me that people are confused over this especially when mission advertises exactly what the M-Link does and doesn’t do

I don’t want to speak for mission though, that’s just my understanding MissionPerformance ?
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      08-01-2024, 09:44 AM   #203
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If you read through this thread, they made the claim there unlocker is already capable of unlocking 21+. They just needed to release the firmware update. Their comment was no more Russia.
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      08-01-2024, 10:04 AM   #204
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RTPenland Thanks for tagging us, however we wont be engaging in forums back and forth wars, just have zero time for it.

CarGuy954 Seems like you are one of the only few that do not understand Firwmare vs Hardware concept, so let me fill you in really quick. Hardware, is the hardware device, aka physical item you hold in your hand. M-Link it self is a physical device, and the way it was designed, it already has hardware needed to perform unlocks on 2021+ DMEs. How do you know that? Well you can purchase M-Link and plug it into a 2021+ DME. Your DME will be recognized, however you will be greeted with a warning screen saying that 2021+ cars are not yet supported. Simple as that.
Now, firmware is the code/software that runs on hardware device. The firmware of current M-Link is currently stripped of all the code for 2021+ unlock, aside from basic 21+ DME detection.

Our statement still stands as it did before: The hardware is ready, and actually has been ready for few years now. However, firmware is not available. Thus entire package or "Product" offered currently does not support 21+, which has been stated in orginal post, every response, our prodcut page AND every single ad that was ran. Does the fact that you cant get something you want so much fall under "consumer law" like you tried to argue, nope sorry it doesnt. So if you want to tune your 21+, for now I guess you are pulling it out and sending it off.

Why dont we just release 21+ you may ask? Well "Tuning" is just a fraction of what we do as our portfolio has diversified to EV market (current future, like it or not), OEM cooperations and much more. We are so busy with close to 15+ future projects lined up, that we have hard time keeping M-Links in stock as it stands now. To those that are looking to purchase the unlock only M-Links and have been waiting, our appollogies and we will do our best to have stock back in next week.

*Again, we wont be engaging in back and forth warth on the boards as its just wasted time and this is to clarify and clear up any confusing that drama-starting individual might have caused. If you have actual questions, you are free to contact us directly.

Last edited by MissionPerformance; 08-01-2024 at 10:09 AM..
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      08-01-2024, 10:27 AM   #205
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Lol, professional response

"forums back and forth wars"

"wasted time"
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      08-01-2024, 11:28 AM   #206
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> Seems like you are one of the only few that do not understand Firwmare vs Hardware concept

i stopped reading there, well done.
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      08-01-2024, 11:37 AM   #207

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Originally Posted by MissionPerformance View Post
RTPenland Thanks for tagging us, however we wont be engaging in forums back and forth wars, just have zero time for it.
Thanks for the detailed clarification; that's in line with the impression I had.

P.S. As a fellow business owner, I can relate to your passion when dealing with people trolling your company. I, too, ignore most of it, as it seems you do, but when they start spreading misinformation, I also step in to set the record straight. And I'm usually less polite than you

P.P.S To get things back on track kuddos to ya'll for the Super License for the M-Link - found a new trick for it that I hadn't thought of before. With my car unlocked and flashed I took a snap shot of the DME, went to dealer and they of course relocked my ecu and erased my flash. When I got the car back I simply restored my ecu to its unlocked and flashed state with 2 clicks on the mlink. Friggin awesome (Before I was unlocking with mlink and then loading my flash separately)
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      08-01-2024, 01:32 PM   #208
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Well my goal was to invoke some kind of repsonse from MP and I apologize for my tatic but, there has been no responses on this thread from MP at all.

You did pose a "Big" sense of hope for many here and to some degree a promising outcome. We know you had concerns of others coping all your hard work after a release. I know this is a big undertaking but, it has some real financial gain which makes me wonder how you would give up such profits.

However, one can argue this was a marketing ploy for those with 21+ DME's to purchase a potentailly unusable piece of equipment. If you are having issues cracking the DME fine but, you owe it to those that have purchase them with a status update from time to time.
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      08-02-2024, 10:18 AM   #209
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Give him a break, the guy skipped "customer interaction" training
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      08-02-2024, 11:05 AM   #210
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No need to make threats to them, I was not offended at all. If he wanted to waist his time typing what he though was a lesson I needed, so be it. In the end it shows his character and is a terrible reflection on his/their buisness. I had to poke the hornest nest to get a response, I did not expect it to be nice a one.

At this point we know they are no closer to cracking the DME. However a year later with no updates along with people purchasing equipment they still cant use is pretty terrible. I dont think most people would be upset if they we sending updates on their progress. Now to tell people they have too many ongoing projects giving up hundreds of thousands of dollar in revenue from a DME break through seems old.

In the end its a race and whoever is first will be a very profitable company.
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      08-02-2024, 11:34 AM   #211
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Originally Posted by CarGuy954 View Post
However a year later with no updates along with people purchasing equipment they still cant use is pretty terrible. I dont think most people would be upset if they we sending updates on their progress.
I guess this needs clarification: At no time, ever did we state that the M-Link currently for sale supports 21+ DMEs. With thousands of units sold, we only had 2 customers that I can remember have contacted us asking if they buy current Mlink and jsut wait for 21+ unlock. We have steered them away explaining that once 21+ is supported, license choices and fees will be different.

The concept of how M-Link was developed, was to offer future proofing as well as resale ability. Since the hardware exists on current M-Link for 21+ unlock, that means the current M-Links in circulation (second hand units) can be remote-updated to support 21+ cars. In summary: Someone used M-Link right now to unlock their 2016 B58 lets say. That same M-Link can be resold with our license transfer fee to other pre-21 vehicle, OR once firmware is released, that same unit can be updated to support 21+ cars. Why was it done this way? We expect that keeping stock wont be managable, and we were right. As of this moment, all unlock-only units are sold out and have been for over a month. So, if we released firwmare for 21+ cars today, but not have hardware to send out, you would be equivalently vocal but this time about us not having stock. So for that reason, we delayed the initial release of M-Link for nearly 4 months (Initial target was March of 2023 I beleive) to add the 21+ hardware components to it and redesign it baking it remote updateable. This gives us ability to medicate shortage limitations of allowing users to buy just the new license and re-used a second hand M-Link.

Either way you spin it, M-Links are are locked to a DME they have been mated to. To pair a new DME (as in resale), one must purchase a new license. Current Pre-21 license is $170 I beleive, however once 21+ firmware is released, new license options will be relased as well for 21+ cars, and prices will not initially be $350, that is guranteed. So either way you spin it, even if someone somehow decided to buy the current M-Link for 21+, it would never work due to license restrictions. They would still have to purchase additional 2021+ license, and now they would be owning 2 license units on their M-Links (post-21 and pre-21).

Originally Posted by CarGuy954 View Post
In the end its a race and whoever is first will be a very profitable company.
We have spent many years being first on this market. Was it fun? Yes However, as we have evolved and time went on, new doors have opened up, including work directly with OEMs. One small example was initial supra launch at SEMA where we worked directly with TRD. TRD has reached out to all major player, however we were chosen for a very specific reason, and I sure hope we did not disapoint. Yes we still have pasion for tuning and end-user delivery, which will never end and will continue to be an ever growing project for next decade, however, "being first" has been replaced by working with OEMs or other companies around the world.

Last edited by MissionPerformance; 08-02-2024 at 11:41 AM..
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      08-02-2024, 01:35 PM   #212
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Well I appreciate your clarification and I dont not want to go back and fourth either. I never said it supported it, I very much understood, "The hardware in the M-Link already contains unlocking capabilities for the 2021+ ECUs. Official support for these ECUs will be addressed and discussed for future.

I appreciate you taking the time to clarify all of the concerns but, we had some hope when you posted you cracked 2021's. Then you gave the impression you were working on 21+ and your current unlocker has the hardware. I felt you were going to be capable of cracking it and purchased an unlocker second hand. It has been 1 year and I reached out a few times just to see where you were at and all I get is we have more important projects. I am not blaming you for me jumping the gun, thats was the risk and it was never my place to say you didnt have all these projects. It's just hard for me to swallow you passing up the revenue that could have been made. Talking with a few local BMW owners they made similar purchases because we believed you were going to do it as well. I sold my unit a few months ago when I started to feel it was never going to happen.

Now if you are working with the OEM's and they are not permitting to move foward on release of the DME unlock that would make sense and I would imagine you would not be able to disclose that.

In the end I hope your are able to crack and I wish you success in your projects.
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      08-02-2024, 11:35 PM   #213
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[QUOTE=RTPenland;31354645]Thanks for the detailed clarification; that's in line with the impression I had.

P.S. As a fellow business owner, I can relate to your passion when dealing with people trolling your company. I, too, ignore most of it, as it seems you do, but when they start spreading misinformation, I also step in to set the record straight. And I'm usually less polite than you

P.P.S To get things back on track kuddos to ya'll for the Super License for the M-Link - found a new trick for it that I hadn't thought of before. With my car unlocked and flashed I took a snap shot of the DME, went to dealer and they of course relocked my ecu and erased my flash. When I got the car back I simply restored my ecu to its unlocked and flashed state with 2 clicks on the mlink. Friggin awesome (Before I was unlocking with mlink and then loading my flash separately)

Yup! The super license is a game changer. I’ve got M-Link for my 2020 pre 06/20. Couldn’t believe how simple it is to do.
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      09-23-2024, 09:08 PM   #214
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How do I purchase a license separately if I already have the tool? Do I need to transfer existing license to another car? Can it be used back and forth between your cars?
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      09-24-2024, 04:51 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by MissionPerformance View Post
however once 21+ firmware is released
It feels like you guys are just trying to string on the entire community with careful phrasing like this. I mean, this product launch post is from last August and your DME unlock post was in April of 2022. So with that in mind, what is a reasonable timeline? Is it that you can't do it, or you just don't think it's important anymore? And if it's because it isn't important anymore (because you have made it clear that MP has other irons in the fire), why continue putting this out there?

No one cares if a product supports firmware updates if there's no firmware update to be had.
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      09-24-2024, 06:48 PM   #216

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Originally Posted by koopa View Post
It feels like you guys are just trying to string on the entire community with careful phrasing like this. I mean, this product launch post is from last August and your DME unlock post was in April of 2022. So with that in mind, what is a reasonable timeline? Is it that you can't do it, or you just don't think it's important anymore? And if it's because it isn't important anymore (because you have made it clear that MP has other irons in the fire), why continue putting this out there?

No one cares if a product supports firmware updates if there's no firmware update to be had.
This is dumb.
2021 ///M3
2019 X3
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      09-27-2024, 07:56 AM   #217
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This exchange leads me to believe that a "future" firmware update will enable unlocking. I added the bolding for reference.

Originally Posted by M4nication View Post
Wait so does this mean no more having to ship to Femto for 2021-2024 models? (Once you release the 2021+ as you mentioned)
Originally Posted by MissionPerformance View Post
Correct. The hardware for the 21+ unlocking is already part of the M-Link. Once we push the firmware update, that will be the day when no more ECUs go to Russia.
I am sorry, but there is no confusion over hardware or firmware. Your statement clearly states when you push the firmware update, it will be able to unlock current ECUs.

I do understand this is not a guarantee and you cannot be held to deliver it, but as a consumer it is disappointing to have a retailer make this statement and then try to say we don't understand what they meant.

Originally Posted by MissionPerformance View Post
RTPenland Thanks for tagging us, however we wont be engaging in forums back and forth wars, just have zero time for it.

CarGuy954 Seems like you are one of the only few that do not understand Firwmare vs Hardware concept, so let me fill you in really quick. Hardware, is the hardware device, aka physical item you hold in your hand. M-Link it self is a physical device, and the way it was designed, it already has hardware needed to perform unlocks on 2021+ DMEs. How do you know that? Well you can purchase M-Link and plug it into a 2021+ DME. Your DME will be recognized, however you will be greeted with a warning screen saying that 2021+ cars are not yet supported. Simple as that.
Now, firmware is the code/software that runs on hardware device. The firmware of current M-Link is currently stripped of all the code for 2021+ unlock, aside from basic 21+ DME detection.

Our statement still stands as it did before: The hardware is ready, and actually has been ready for few years now. However, firmware is not available. Thus entire package or "Product" offered currently does not support 21+, which has been stated in orginal post, every response, our prodcut page AND every single ad that was ran. Does the fact that you cant get something you want so much fall under "consumer law" like you tried to argue, nope sorry it doesnt. So if you want to tune your 21+, for now I guess you are pulling it out and sending it off.

Why dont we just release 21+ you may ask? Well "Tuning" is just a fraction of what we do as our portfolio has diversified to EV market (current future, like it or not), OEM cooperations and much more. We are so busy with close to 15+ future projects lined up, that we have hard time keeping M-Links in stock as it stands now. To those that are looking to purchase the unlock only M-Links and have been waiting, our appollogies and we will do our best to have stock back in next week.

*Again, we wont be engaging in back and forth warth on the boards as its just wasted time and this is to clarify and clear up any confusing that drama-starting individual might have caused. If you have actual questions, you are free to contact us directly.
And this entire exchange is terrible. You basically defend the lack of the firmware update by stating you made a commercial decision to abandon further development.

That is disappointing to the community.
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      09-27-2024, 08:03 AM   #218
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When is the firmware going to be pushed?

There’s customers waiting lol
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      09-27-2024, 11:44 AM   #219
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Originally Posted by negus215 View Post
When is the firmware going to be pushed?

There’s customers waiting lol
It looks like they have moved on so...never.
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      09-27-2024, 11:46 AM   #220
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Originally Posted by Dan B View Post
It looks like they have moved on so...never.
So they were just lying?

That’s unfortunate, will never consider them for future business then. Oh well.
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