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      01-21-2024, 04:44 AM   #1
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G26 Gran Coupe disappointments after G20...


1 month ago I changed my BMW from G20 330d to Gran Coupe G26 430d.
And absolutely disapponted by the new one.
I absolutely loved my G20 btw. It was almost perfect in any detail.
But seems like during designing G22(G26) BMW did everything from scratch, and tried to save money on everything!
Step by step what is changed G20 vs G26 (in my opinion).
1. HUD in G20 showed road junctions and road exits in extremely photorealistic way, and this was most valuable part of the HUD. In G26 HUD doesn't shows any junctions at all. It just duplicates the map from the main display in simplified form. That's it. And overall G26 HUD looks like more low res compared to G20.
2. In G26 Driver assistant view doesn't appear automatically in instument cluster if i switch autopilot on. I have to swith it automatically going through complex hierarchical menu using the right button on the steering wheel. Definetely this is complicated and not very safe task during driving. In G20 this view appeared/disappeared automatically when i switch autopilot on/off.
3. In G26 USB media doesn't work in armrest area at all. I have to use USB in Phone charger area. And this is very bad, because with USB stick connected there it is hard to put iPhone to charger area. In G20 USB media worked everywhere!
4. In G26 USB Media doesn't support video playback, just the music. G20 supported video playback perfectly!
5. In G26 instrument cluster kinda limited. I didn't manage to setup it to see navigation or autopilot asistant view together with media info. I just can switch between them. In G20 instrument cluster display was smaller but i could see media album covers together with other useful info, like navigation or autopilot mode.
6. No physical buttons for shortcuts and air-conditioner. This is absolutely unacceptable. I used short-cuts in BMW since 2006. And now they removed them. Currently the car become more unsafe because instead of short-cuts i have to use screen touch, so have to distract the view from the road!
7. When i got new G20 it comes together with music streaming sevice available for one year. The music service used internal car internet based on integrated SIM card, so worked everywhere. G26 didn't have any music streaming service at all.
8. Harman Kardon in G26 is much worse than i had in G20. Actually i didn't manage to setup it for spatial music at all. I don't hear 3D. In G20 sound quality was thousands times better.
9. In G26 Air conditioner works kinda strange. I constantly have to switch Maximum AC mode, because my side window becomed sweat, so i even don't see side mirror.

What i really don't understand each aspect of G26 feels cheaper than in G20. They didn't add anything new at all (except one big wide screen). They also didn't improve any options I had in my 3 year old G20. Even autopilot is exactly the same.
So why the car itself is more expensive than G20?

Probaly i misunderstood something. Can anybody confirm / refute my observations?

Last edited by Turisto; 01-21-2024 at 05:03 AM..
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      01-21-2024, 04:56 AM   #2
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I'm not sure what this post is all about. 95% of your points are infotainment-related and more specifically - iDrive 7 vs iDrive 8, which has absolutely nothing to do with whether the car is a G20 or a G26. The G20 LCI has the exact same iDrive 8 system and features.

Legit, the only thing that you're actually comparing between the two cars is the Harmon Kardon system and all of the other people on the forum have stated that the G26 has the better one, so yet again - not sure what this post is all about...

Besides, the G26 is not more expensive everywhere. Where I ordered it from in Europe, for example, it was the less expensive of the two, as it's technically an older model now, prior to the upcoming LCI.

And in regards to iDrive 8, which you are actually complaining about - welcome to the 21st century where tech and all kinds of goods become more expensive, yet of a worse quality. Still... the iDrive 7, even though more fleshed out in terms of its actual functionality, looks like a dinosaur in comparison to iDrive 8. It's among the worst looking, tiniest, least-legible, least customizable and dimmest systems not only today but 5 years ago, when it first came out, too.

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      01-21-2024, 05:14 AM   #3
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I provided 9 differences between G20 and G26.
Probably they have the same OS8. But why HUD on G26 is worse compared to G20?
Why media player doesn't support video playback in G26?
Why i cannot use hidded Armrest USB to use media, etc...
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      01-21-2024, 05:16 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
I provided 9 differences between G20 and G26.
Probably they have the same OS8. But why HUD on G26 is worse compared to G20?
Why media player doesn't support video playback in G26?
Why i cannot use hidded Armrest USB to use media, etc...
My point is, if you were to order a new G20 LCI with the same options, it would come with the exact same iDrive 8 system and it would have the exact same issues for you. Therefore, this has absolutely nothing to do with G20 vs G26 but rather with iDrive 7 vs iDrive 8.

Looking at this thread's name I expected that you would complain about power delivery, driving dynamics and stability, insulation, comfort, ride quality, seats, etc. But your phrasing is completely inaccurate as the origin of your issues lies anywhere but in the G26 chassis.
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      01-21-2024, 05:29 AM   #5
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I'm talking about G26 chasis, because i just got it, and cannot say about all iDrive 8 models.

Now i underdtood that G26 uses fresh iDrive 8.0 and my previous G20 used iDrive 7.0.

Well, what i can say. Didn't expect such level down from BMW. Especially HUD. Why they didn't try to use old good working solution instead of creating new one from scratch?
Before i got G26 i thought BMW has best HUD in the market. Now HUD is absolutely unuseable!
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      01-21-2024, 08:24 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
3. In G26 USB media doesn't work in armrest area at all. I have to use USB in Phone charger area. And this is very bad, because with USB stick connected there it is hard to put iPhone to charger area. In G20 USB media worked everywhere!
Get an iPhone, sign up for Apple Music. Not only can you stream millions of songs unlimitedly, but you can also upload all your MP3/AAC/WAV media to the platform and stream that from everywhere on every device as well. It's not 2004 anymore, my friend. Cars are designed to utilize media and navigation off of mobile phones as everyone has them and they do a much better job.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
4. In G26 USB Media doesn't support video playback, just the music. G20 supported video playback perfectly!
You shouldn't be watching video. You should be driving. Your passengers can stream anything they want on their phones. Your eyes belong on the road. Don't argue with me on this point.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
6. No physical buttons for shortcuts and air-conditioner. This is absolutely unacceptable. I used short-cuts in BMW since 2006. And now they removed them. Currently the car become more unsafe because instead of short-cuts i have to use screen touch, so have to distract the view from the road!

The 1-8 Shortcuts are still there, you just swipe down from the top right corner of the screen. And they are better than the physical buttons because a) they are larger, b) they have written descriptions, and c) you don't have to look down at your knees to see them as they are at eye level.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
7. When i got new G20 it comes together with music streaming sevice available for one year. The music service used internal car internet based on integrated SIM card, so worked everywhere. G26 didn't have any music streaming service at all.
Get an iPhone. Sign up for Apple Music. On a family plan it is as little as $3 a month. Using USB thumb drives and relying on a car for internet connectivity went out of style in 2014. It's 2024.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
8. Harman Kardon in G26 is much worse than i had in G20. Actually i didn't manage to setup it for spatial music at all. I don't hear 3D. In G20 sound quality was thousands times better.

That is not true, owners and reviewers believe BMW upgraded the speakers and/or placements in the G26 LCI interior and it sounds much better than G20. Use these consensus forum-best HK settings. You should hear a nice improvement.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
9. In G26 Air conditioner works kinda strange. I constantly have to switch Maximum AC mode, because my side window becomed sweat, so i even don't see side mirror.

Use these consensus forum-best Climate Control settings. Once you do, the system is brilliant, it behaves just like your home climate system- you set a temperature, the fan works at full blast to get you there, and then it calms down to a lower fan speed. No more hitting MAX AC all the time. Just set it and forget it. Then just tap up/down on the temperature on the bottom of the main display.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
So why the car itself is more expensive than G20? Probaly i misunderstood something. Can anybody confirm / refute my observations?
Because it's a Coupe, not a Sedan and Coupes cost more.

I hope this detail helps.
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      01-22-2024, 02:42 AM   #7
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Thank you for the info about AC. Will check my setting next time. Probably automatic mode is disabled.

Regarding everything else:
All I can say, video playback is important for me. I'm not going to explain why. and i definitely not using this during driving. The fact is iDrive 7 allowed this. iDrive 8 doesn't. So this is definitely level down.

Missing road junctions in HUD is huge level down.

Missing one year FREE music streaming service is level down. And i'm not going to use paid Apple services anyway. Moreover streaming music via bluetooth will have very bad quality. That's why i'm using USB media FYI. Internal car music streaming system also has much better quality than any bluetooth streaming by the rule.
One more thing.. Did you ever tried to use bluetooth music navigation in the car? This is just horrible!

Missing hard shortcuts is definitely level down. Swiping and using touch screen during driving is more unsafe than pressing single button without distracting the eyes from the road.

Logic 7 in G26 sounds worse than in my previous G20 with the sme settings. I still can compare because G20 is still here. And all sound settings are similar. Though will try the setting you provided...

Simplified instrument cluster in G26 compared to G20 is level down. Why i cannot see music album cover when driver assistan view is on?
The problem is on right half of the screen is navigation map. In instrument cluster - all driving specific info and assistent views. So i have no idea where to see current playable album in G26. In G20 i could also watch album info in instrument cluster together with any driving modes info!

Anyway i understood, that almost all statements i wrote in first message are true unfortunatelly!

This is first BMW in many years with so many disappointments.

Last edited by Turisto; 01-22-2024 at 03:14 AM..
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      01-22-2024, 03:08 AM   #8
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Turisto Not everyone likes iDrive 8, that's a fact. That's why they introduced iDrive 8.5 to mitigate a lot of the shortcomings of iDrive 8 but the ICE G26 won't get it until the LCI, unfortunately. The i4s are already coming with it. I, personally, don't mind the iDrive 8 and I enjoy its better looks and legibility. The old iDrive 7 virtual cockpit was unbearable for me personally. It was ugly, very dim and not very customizable. The main screen was too far back and too little and I had to squeeze my eyes to see little pieces of data. The trade-offs are perfectly fine for me. But to each their own. I think if you give yourself time to acommodate, you won't be disappointed as much.

On the other hand, I can't even imagine driving without a wireless Android Auto or Apple CarPlay connection nowadays. I see you're talking about BT streaming and USB flash drives, so I imagine that you're not making use of either of them. My advice is to try them out (depending on what brand your phone is). The moment you get used to them you won't care about BT and flash drives (well... maybe you'll miss the better bitrate a bit) and you won't care about the built-in car navigation.
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      01-22-2024, 03:56 AM   #9
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Yes, unfortunately i'm not using CarPlay. i tried it several times but didn't like it much because always have to switch to built-in navigation anyway.
Let's see, probably they will fix something during the annual software updates.
I can leave with most of issues i mentioned above but there is no excuse for HUD downgrade...
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      01-22-2024, 04:27 AM   #10
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I've liked Waze more than any native car navigation so far. It displays a lot of nice additional info not found anywhere else too. Give it a try, you might like it!

Unfortunately, I don't think they will fix anything, unfortunately. They've clearly stated that iDrive 8.5 will only come to cars with a whole other infotainment hardware, even though it's just a user interface visual update. It's mindboggling, to be honest, but it is what it is, I guess.
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      01-22-2024, 09:09 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Thank you for the info about AC. Will check my setting next time. Probably automatic mode is disabled.
You really will be happy when you adjust these settings one time and then only tap the temperature up/down on the bottom of the touch screen. It's the best climate control system BMW has ever designed.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Missing road junctions in HUD is huge level down.
If you use BMW navigation, that is the big let down, not the HUD. You need to start using Google Maps which is vastly superior in many ways. Yes, you will lose HUD and speedometer display but you will gain in much better routing, on-the-fly realtime re-routing without having to touch any buttons, etc. You need to try Google Maps and CarPlay for a week.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Missing one year FREE music streaming service is level down. And i'm not going to use paid Apple services anyway.
You have this obsession with money and free services which is inconsistent with a BMW owner. If you can afford a BMW, you can afford $4 a month for Apple Music which will change your life, trust me.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Moreover streaming music via bluetooth will have very bad quality. That's why i'm using USB media FYI. Internal car music streaming system also has much better quality than any bluetooth streaming by the rule.
By rule that's just not true because today's in-car audio systems are specifically tuned for streaming-quality source material. You are trying to use 2005 era media formats in a 2024 car and that's not what you should be doing.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
One more thing.. Did you ever tried to use bluetooth music navigation in the car? This is just horrible!
No! Because we all use Google Maps or Waze which are vastly superior to BMW's navigation. You really need to get onboard. Try it!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Yes, unfortunately i'm not using CarPlay. i tried it several times but didn't like it much because always have to switch to built-in navigation anyway.
You need to embrace CarPlay and embrace all the services that your iPhone offers! Your complaints about BMW are justified but that's because no car manufacturer can compare to Apple when it comes to Navigation and Audio technology! Join us in the 21st century please! The car was optimized around iPhone use! You have an iPhone! Use it!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Missing hard shortcuts is definitely level down. Swiping and using touch screen during driving is more unsafe than pressing single button without distracting the eyes from the road.
You are wrong, sorry. I've been driving BMW's with the 1-8 hard buttons for 11 years and the new touch screen shortcuts are much better. In the old car, in order to press Button 7 you had to look down at your knees, feel for it, and memorize what it's function was. With the touch screen, you swipe down and tap a button that tells you what its function is, all at eye-level where you never look down. Again, join us in the 21st century!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Logic 7 in G26 sounds worse than in my previous G20 with the sme settings. I still can compare because G20 is still here. And all sound settings are similar. Though will try the setting you provided...
The very first step in the settings I provided you is to turn Logic 7 "off".

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
The problem is on right half of the screen is navigation map. In instrument cluster - all driving specific info and assistent views. So i have no idea where to see current playable album in G26. In G20 i could also watch album info in instrument cluster together with any driving modes info!
You are doing everything wrong because you won't embrace CarPlay or your iPhone. The car isn't designed for someone who wants to live in 2005 with OEM car navigation and thumb drives, sorry. The main navigation screen is HUGE, you don't need HUD or the speedometer display for navigation. Use CarPlay!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
This is first BMW in many years with so many disappointments.
You need to adapt. You need to change. Or trade this in and buy an old car. Those are your only two options, sorry.
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      01-22-2024, 09:15 AM   #12
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I don't want to repeat a lot of the answer so I will only address #9.

#9, "side window sweat". Go into climate controls and air recirculation. Make sure it is set for automatic or fresh air. If you are recirculating cabin air when running the heat, you will get condensation on the windows.
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      01-23-2024, 02:54 AM   #13
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Don't want to argue anymore.
I hate google maps in BMW. Moreover i use HUD since ages. What the point to order HUD option if i would use google-maps instead?
Moreover google-maps requires persistent internet connection which isn't always available. The same about GPS. iPhone inside the car has quite weak GPS perception signal!

What the point of ordering Harman Kardon if i would switch Logic 7 off immediately.

The same about streaming. Bluetooth isn't designed for high quality music. It transcodes lossy sources to more lossy format using special codecs. BMW bluetooth music isn't magic. It uses EXISTING bluetooth sound streaming protocols!
Probably in CarPlay mode it working differently since it is working through WiFi. But i'm not using CarPlay and not gonna use!

Regarding built-in streaming services seems like I explained advantages already. It is not about money. I use several music paid services in my gadgets...
Built in service - streams lossless music sources and sends it directly to Harman-Kardon system as is. Without any transcoding. Streaming service uses internal car SIM and with very strong cell signal, due to car antenna. It has nice highly customizeable interface to create custom play lists, navigate through the charts, etc. Even USB media has worse interface compared to internal build in streaming service. Bluetooth streaming interface is worst one of course. It has just 2 buttons. Next / Previous! And no any navigation! (Please don't start about CarPlay again

Last edited by Turisto; 01-23-2024 at 03:50 AM..
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      01-23-2024, 05:09 AM   #14

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Some folk just don’t like and cannot adapt well to change. I myself do not love ID8, but such is life.

1st response hit the nail on the head.

Sounds like a missed opportunity to have done some better due diligence prior to the purchase.

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      01-23-2024, 05:40 AM   #15
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Turisto Honestly, you make some pretty valid points that I cannot really object to. However, the others are right. Android and Apple are so ahead of the game nowadays that most car manufacturers have simply given up. Some of them are straight up incorporating Android Auto and Apple CarPlay natively into the car itself. iDrive 8, like most modern car systems, is designed to work best paired with a phone, that's the simple truth of it. Maybe, later on, with iDrive 9, which will incorporate an app store of its own, things will change, but with the version 8 - it is what it is.

You pretty much have three options, the way I see it:

- Adapt, or at the very least, try to.
- Concede with the fact that you will simply have a worse, albeit a bit shinier, experience than before.
- Take the loss on the car and buy an older one, or even a new one, but with a more integrated system that suits you better and does not rely on a phone as much.

And one last thing - I've never had issues with no reception but if you so often find yourself in more rural areas where the phone's antenna doesn't cut it, I believe there is a configurable 5G car extra. You might or you might not have configured it. As far as I'm aware, with it, you can attach an eSIM to your car and then the whole connection goes through the car, offering a hotspot for your phone too.
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      01-23-2024, 09:09 AM   #16
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The truth is both CarPlay and Android-Auto aren't well fit to existing cars infotainment system. Those interfaces are general, and not well integrates to the car different subsystems. Like voice control, HUD, shortcuts, assistants, music, etc.

And... once again:
I really liked the way navigation system worked together with HUD in my previous G20. Everything is in the screen in front of you, in almost augmented reality style.
CarPlay cannot provide such comfort and safety!
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      01-23-2024, 11:21 AM   #17

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This is way too much for my mind to grasp. My only thought is that it looks like this would have been checked out before hand. But thanks for reminding me how I'm glad I just bought a regular 330i with Technology Package. More than good enough for me. The "technology" is probably only 10% of why I bought it.
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      01-23-2024, 02:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Don't want to argue anymore.
I apologize if you think I am arguing- I am just trying to help!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Moreover i use HUD since ages. What the point to order HUD option if i would use google-maps instead?
HUD for maps is a relic from a time when there were no digital displays like we have now. It was a way for BMW to compete with Garmin and those other suction-cup stick-on portable navigation units from 2005. Just turn it off and use HUD only for speedometer. The iDrive 8 screen is gigantic! Google Maps is much better than BMW Maps!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Moreover google-maps requires persistent internet connection which isn't always available. The same about GPS. iPhone inside the car has quite weak GPS perception signal!
STOP! Google Maps has something called "Offline Maps" which allows you to download an entire state/country in a tiny file so that it is always functioning even when you don't have a good internet connection With Offline Maps, you don't need an internet connection for Google Maps!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
What the point of ordering Harman Kardon if i would switch Logic 7 off immediately.
Because it sounds better with Logic 7 off. The HK system is a lot more than just some audio profile. It's speakers, amplifiers, EQ.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
The same about streaming. Bluetooth isn't designed for high quality music. It transcodes lossy sources to more lossy format using special codecs. BMW bluetooth music isn't magic. It uses EXISTING bluetooth sound streaming protocols!
You are in a car with a ton of road noise and it's not the place to be so picky about audio quality. The convenience of Apple Music is well worth it. Just hit a button on the steering wheel, say, "play Abbey Road by the Beatles", or "play some jazz for a rainy day" and on it comes. Millions of songs, custom playlists, and you don't need to do anything, it's already on your iPhone.

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
Probably in CarPlay mode it working differently since it is working through WiFi. But i'm not using CarPlay and not gonna use!

Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
(Please don't start about CarPlay again
See above. Try CarPlay! Try Apple Music! You don't have to keep it. But try it, you owe it to yourself to take advantage of the technology that came with your car, right? You complain about the things the car doesn't have, but here you have gifts that came with the car that you don't take advantage of. Try CarPlay (for 1 month)! With Google Maps (remember offline maps)! With Apple Music (free trial).
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      01-23-2024, 02:54 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Turisto View Post
The truth is both CarPlay and Android-Auto aren't well fit to existing cars infotainment system. Those interfaces are general, and not well integrates to the car different subsystems. Like voice control, HUD, shortcuts, assistants, music, etc.

And... once again:
I really liked the way navigation system worked together with HUD in my previous G20. Everything is in the screen in front of you, in almost augmented reality style.
CarPlay cannot provide such comfort and safety!
My less confrontational opinion.

I have an Android and Android Auto is ok. It is not as clean as BMW's native interface but it works.

BMW navigation is the best interface but Google Maps is the best navigation. I like Waze for the community contributions (police warnings) but I hate it for navigation. The algorithm does not adapt well.

I do a lot of long drives. I will look up the best route via Google and then run Waze, but take the route Google recommends until Waze picks it up.

I do see Waze in the HUD. It is a pretty simple view though. I can get Google Maps to show but I start Waze and then switch to Google. Obviously the BMW view is the best.

Overall I am able to run everything via Android Auto but it is not as clean as BMW's interface.
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      01-25-2024, 11:15 AM   #20
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The HUD in ID8 shows a lot of information. Especially for upcoming turns. Does yours not show the same info? This is my first BMW so I’m not sure how ID7 differs. See picture below for reference.
Attached Images
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      01-25-2024, 01:29 PM   #21
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Coming from a iDrive 7 3 series, it does seem to be a bit of a backward step but it’s not bad by any means.

I think the picture here is a good illustration of what you don’t get. I also remember on some motorway junctions, you would get the representation in the HUD which looked identical to the signs you were approaching (like the ones in green in the photo):
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      01-25-2024, 01:47 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by srbs73 View Post
Coming from a iDrive 7 3 series, it does seem to be a bit of a backward step but it’s not bad by any means.

I think the picture here is a good illustration of what you don’t get. I also remember on some motorway junctions, you would get the representation in the HUD which looked identical to the signs you were approaching (like the ones in green in the photo):
Interesting. I know on ID8 a similar picture shows up on the dash screen if you have the map view selected. I can’t recall if it also shows up in the HUD. I’ll do some testing and report back.
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